I suggest you start a book for your logins and passwords. I had a complete computer meltdown and discovered how much I relied on auto fill so I started in an old address book. That works great since I have waaaaay too many sites and passwords, I have registered for up till now. Other people have used unused check registers and even a running list in a plain notebook. I still think the address book is best since you go to the letter of the alphabet for the website and there are only a few different passwords listed. My son says everyone should have a number of different levels of password security. Example: the password you login to the NY Times or other reading/browsing sites is less secure and used more often than the one for your bank business which would be the most secure and used for only banking at one bank. By keeping a book you can have each bank, credit card, any stock trading, Paypal account, and EBay each could have a unique password. In between sites like email or shopping could be at either end of that security spectrum at your discretion.