Saturday, February 25, 2006

Nested Backgrounds

Trying to increase the perceived value of my listings I have started to use more and more HTML and now have nested tables of various colors and backgrounds that appear integrated as frames for my listings. If you want to try some of these nested table background sets but are not sure where to start, try

They have many all ready to use, just cut and paste the code which puts them on your page and gives them a small link at the bottom of the page.

Some auctions have imbedded pictures where I want more than the one gallery picture to show my item. These are hosted at where again it is a cut and paste the code into your page.

Learning more of these tricks of the trade all the time from the vintage group "Blast from the Past" on eBay. They are a fun bunch but there are many things to learn that they break down step by step.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

ACEO's continued

We have been folowing the ACEO's on EBAY and it seems that certain people have a following and command quite a good price but others can't sell them even for 99 cents. Who knows what that means since the art quality seems to be similar. Sheila is working on some watercolors for this project (all different styles). We will have to see how this project turns out over the long run.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


ACEO stands for Art Card Editions and Originals. These are small 2.5 x 3.5 inch art (prints or originals) available on eBay. They appear to be quite popular, so we will try a few in Lila's Teeny Tiny Art Gallery but first Sheila has a portrait to finish before she can get to these.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Wording and Spelling

Writing an auction title and using the best keywords is critical to the success of your auction as most bidders will search on the title field only and that’s how they find your auction among hundreds or thousands of others Focus on key terms, adding as many relevant words as you can to take advantage of all 55 characters that have been allowed for titles. Terms such as Brand New, or size information can help avoid misconceptions and save you the time of replying to emails explaining what you are selling. Avoid using meaningless phrases in your title, such as “look” or "excellent". Spelling your listing title wrong will cause buyers to miss your auction, AND will also show a lack of professionalism.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Share Your Wares - Groups and Discussion Boards

Most groups have a purpose and EBay is no different. They have groups based on locale, special interest, and types of items. Some are better than others, you just have to try a few to see if they suit you. Most groups require you join but have no type of restrictions. Many of these groups have a regular "Share Your Wares" thread where you can add your listings for greater exposure. Discussion Boards do not seem to require anything other than an EBay ID to contribute. They cover a wide range of topics from general to specific items. Some are users helping other users with specific feature or problems encountered. Monday and Thursday nights there is a Discussion Board, named "The Park" that sponsors a themed "Share Your Wares" Event and then once a month (on the first Monday) there is a "Street Faire" with multiple Discussion Boards open for posting "Share Your Wares".

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I have just changed all my items to Paypal only.

That means I can print my shipping labels from Paypal with postage already on it and pay for it from my Paypal account. It also helps to provide long term record keeping for me on the financial end.

(Remember details on transactions are only available on EBay for 4 months. They should be downloaded or printed out at least that often to keep minimal records.)

I use USPS exclusively because of my location and it works well for me. I also have a PO Box as my main address but occassionally I must give a home address for delivery of items (packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and other bulky items) that I need.

Shipping boxes are available from USPS (many are free) for Priority Mail, Express Mail and Global Priority Mail. These all come delivered to your door. After you set up an account it takes 3-4 weeks to get boxes so plan ahead.

Co Branded EBay USPS Priority Mail Shipping boxes are also available from EBay for free (but less variety here)

There are more features for USPS on Ebay here:

Reviews are a new feature of EBay that can be extremely helpful in explaining a wide variety of topics, however you must be careful to choose advice from people who know the ropes just as you do when looking at websites.

Great review on shipping here

First Class Mail reviewed on EBAY

Priority Mail reviewed on EBAY

Flat Rate Priority Boxes reviewed here:

Parcel Post reviewed on EBAY

All about Media Mail

Friday, February 03, 2006

Diversifying - ebooks and art

Well the Groundhog said early spring here but we will see. Now I have been posting more to the store so I need to get auctions going too. I bought some ebooks with resale rights; that should be interesting. I am starting that with the 90 day Powerseller Challenge book and then the Back Pain Book. Adding more as I can see having a selection would be of value. A few out on auction bringing buyers to the store for more kinds with a higher price tag. Sheila is also considering what she can put in my store. She has some books but I am interested in promoting her art if we can. That is another we'll see propsition since she started entering poster contests, but she could do art for me between posters. Speaking of posting I need to get back to work. Later . . .